I knew this day would come. The day when I shake off the shame of not blogging since Christmas. This blog is dusty, and I can really only blame myself. I got lazy. I got apathetic. I really lost the whole reason for blogging. I got a few hits, specifically the Pudding Pops article, which still remains my most read. I felt the need to write about things that would get me hits, rather than things that would make me happy. So I did, and that didn't happen, so I got tired of all of it.
But I've got the bite again. The drive to blog, to write about stupid shit that makes me happy. If it gets hits, cool, whatever. If it doesn't, at least I will have written about something I truly love, or at least like a little bit. The point is to keep writing, to keep doing what I love, what drives me. Either I do that, or my life has little purpose and I sit around watching Law & Order re-runs and eating hot Cheetos. I don't want that to be my life.
So, to make a long cliche short, I'm back. Hopefully blogging at least once a week, as much as three times a week. It's a goal. I even bought a white board to write it on and everything.
I feel like I should write about something to make this more of an article, so I'm gonna say a couple words on these Astro Boy movie toys.