Sunday, December 4, 2011

X-mas Xtravaganza #2 - Air Heads Holiday Sticker Fun!

Air Heads are kind of a classic stocking stuffer. Easy to find, tasty and cheap, you can buy packs of like 50 for a nickel. Maybe not that extreme, but they work. However, they've never really had a place in the whole holiday-themed world. You could buy regular Air Heads, sure, but why do that if they aren't covered in reindeer? Enter the Holiday Sticker Fun pack.

This appeals to me in so many ways. I like the holidays, stickers, AND fun. It's so perfect that the actual Air Heads seem like an afterthought. This is reinforced by the fact that the package only comes with 12 mini bars. This grand trespass would be unacceptable if not for the promise of stickers and fun.

 Here we see the two scenes set up for our stickers. They're rather traditional, if cartoony, holiday tableaux, but the beauty of stickers is that we don't have to adhere to Air Heads strict rules. Put on your best cool guy shades, and put these bad boys up wherever you feel like. You can't reign in art, man.

The contents of the kit, as spilled out onto the fake snow of my desk. I got shit luck when it comes to assorted Air Heads. No orange or the fabled Mystery flavor, but a metric fuckton of watermelon. Holy hell, I hate watermelon. Not the actual fruit, but the headache-inducing candy flavor. I get a little sick to my stomach just smelling their rancid odor. But I digress. I don't want to turn this article into a watermelon bashfest. Look, there's some stickers.

The sticker set came with an inordinate amount of hats, goggles, and other winter wear. I think I was supposed to put them on the monster sized Air Heads, but I thought better of it and put them on trees and such. When I put the bearskin rug in the outside scene, I knew there was no turning back from making this the stupidest sticker collage ever.

The moose head on the out of place raft is my little tribute to Return to Oz. I love that movie.
Here's the inside scene, where I decided to go a little more traditional with my decal placement. The stockings are hung on the mantle, and they're stuffed with Air Heads. Color me cynical, but I'd hate to wake up Christmas morning with only Air Heads in my stocking. I realize this is an Air Heads product, and they would put as many references to their own candy, but come on. At least draw a bear or a yo-yo in there. A paddle ball? I don't know what kids like these days. Maybe I shouldn't hold it against them, though. They appear to live in a tree fort and put candy in actual socks.

I gave the tree ski goggles and a nice winter hat, but only to give some entertainment to the giant orange Air Head inexplicably floating in the room.
One of the best parts of this set is that they give you more stickers than you could possibly use on the backdrops they give you. I figured the Bumble's lack of scarf and sweet sunglasses weren't of his own volition, so I helped him out a little. Now he can be the Bumble he knows he can be. The Bumble who gives no fucks.

The candy? It's good. They're Air Heads. Eat them. They're secondary to this whole package. A nice bonus to the Holiday Sticker Fun you'll have.

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