Tuesday, December 6, 2011

X-mas Xtravaganza #3 - Christmas Crafts!

Around the Christmas season, the dollar bins at Target are a godsend. Usually packed with fun-but-useless things throughout the year, the holidays are when they really shine. Filled with everything from shitty stocking stuffer toys to Christmas candy to decorations. Hell, last year, I bought my tiny desktop tree from there. I'd wager I spend a good fifteen percent of my holiday shopping budget on dumb crap from these bins. Which leads me to my newest subject.

I really couldn't pass up this collection of Christmas-themed crafts once I saw them looking so lonely in the dollar bin. They needed a good home. One that I could provide, I figured. Plus, at a dollar a piece, they were a steal! I've dealt with crafts before on this site, I figured this article would be a snap. How wrong I was.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

X-mas Xtravaganza #2 - Air Heads Holiday Sticker Fun!

Air Heads are kind of a classic stocking stuffer. Easy to find, tasty and cheap, you can buy packs of like 50 for a nickel. Maybe not that extreme, but they work. However, they've never really had a place in the whole holiday-themed world. You could buy regular Air Heads, sure, but why do that if they aren't covered in reindeer? Enter the Holiday Sticker Fun pack.

This appeals to me in so many ways. I like the holidays, stickers, AND fun. It's so perfect that the actual Air Heads seem like an afterthought. This is reinforced by the fact that the package only comes with 12 mini bars. This grand trespass would be unacceptable if not for the promise of stickers and fun.