Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloweener #9 - Halloween Themed Snacks!

 There's a real lack of Halloween themed snacks on the market. Sure, there's various fun-sized candy collections, but I mean real, themed snacks. Of the few I was actually able to find, most have a slight-at-best grasp on the holiday. In my desperation to have a Halloween-themed snacks article, I picked up what I could scavenge from barren store shelves. So, without further dragging on of an intro paragraph I'm obviously struggling to write, let's get into it.
First up, we have Fun Sweets Halloween Cotton Candy. Now, I've never been a huge fan of the stuff. I don't really see the enjoyment of eating something with the same consistency of fiberglass insulation. The bucket claims the sweet to be "Classic Flavor", but they seem to have taken great liberties with that. It has a very prominent banana flavor, and I just can't get behind banana flavored candies. It's just against my priciples. Nonetheless, it comes in a cool pumpkin bucket, which can double in a pinch as a jack-o-lantern for the incredibly lazy.
Next we have Little Debbie Pumpkin Delights. These are neat. The packaging opts for a fall theme rather than a Halloween one, but the cookies themselves scream All Hallows Eve. Now, I'm a big fan of pumpkin. No pumpkin pie is safe from my grasp, and I practically live on pumpkin spice lattes this time of year. These cakes are no different. The pumpkin flavor is prominent and delicious. If that's not your thing, steer clear of these, but for all pumpkin fanatics out there, eat these while you can. Or don't, cause I want to.
Here we have Pumpkin Patch Orange Pop Rocks. These have no real connection to Halloween besides the packaging. They're just orange and green Pop Rocks. Perhaps that's underselling it, cause they're still fuggin Pop Rocks, and Pop Rocks are always awesome. Honestly, these were just a bonus for me, as I was fully prepared to write this article without them. But I'll take any excuse to eat Pop Rocks, and writing about them is just icing on the sugar-laden cake.
Lastly, we have Bat Dots. These are the realest of the dealest. Dots have always been the crown glory of gumdrops, and a Halloween branding just endears them more to me. Jet black candy, and it's blood orange flavor. BLOOD orange. That takes it a step further. I mean, they could have made a black licorice candy and left it at that, but they took it to the next level with the only flavor with the word blood in the name. It gives me shivers just thinking about it, but I think that's just my blood sugar from eating all these candies.

I finally got some Halloween lights! If you know me, you know I've wanted some of these for a while, but never wanted to pay the exorbitant prices every store seemed to want for them. While tooling around in Rite Aid for no reason in particular today, I found some that weren't prohibitively expensive!
Here we have orange.
And here we have purple.

I assure you, these look much better in real life. I would have loved to leave them in permanently, especially the purple one, but after about five minutes of being on, the orange bulb started stinking. And then it started smoking. Not wanting a fire on my hands, I turned it off, removed the bulb, and am currently cowering in fear from these demon lights. I suppose you get what you pay for, especially when it comes to on-UL Certified light bulbs.

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